i never write in this anymore!

Hmm what to say what to say.
Thanksgiving is in a few days, I can't wait to eat with my family... That'll be delicious. Then only 16 school days till Christmas break and the end of the semester! Thank God I'll be out of Chemistry. Speaking of Christmas, how about I make a list?


  1. Peek/phone
  2. iPod/bose headphones
  3. More khaki pants/jeans
  4. Polaroid film
  5. Canvases
  6. Webcam
  7. Third Eye Blind's new CD
  8. Wireless keyboard/mouse combo
  9. Quentin Tarantino movies
  10. You
I doubt I'll get half of that, but if i get you, I'll be fine without any presents.

i'm not ready

i don't know what to do about anything at this moment.
i don't want to end up like the rest of my family.
i don't think enough about consequences.
i don't like my life right now.
i don't know if leaving would make things better or worse.
i don't want these stupid wisdom teeth to grow in.
i don't know where i'm going.
i want to grow up faster.