frére jacques frére jacques...

i love french. i wish i knew more...

voulez-vous couchez avec moi? se swa? haha

anyways. school pretty much sucks lately. 68 in chemistry (go me). english is going down. i wouldn't be surprised if i failed! it's a hard class! and mr tolhurst has a newfound hate for me due to the fact that i'm barely ever at school cause i can't wake up on time. us history is a breeze for the most part, and mr smith likes me cause i go to teen court. yearbook... is yearbook.

tonight i have church. i'm running the soundboard and computer. i decided i like doing it, i just hate being restricted behind the desk and not being able to socialize.

my dog, roxy, isn't feeling so hot. she's been laying on the couch all day and she won't move, and if we try to move her, she screams. i feel so bad. she can't move her neck. i think we're gonna take her to the vet tomorrow.

but, i have to go get ready for church. and i should probably blankly stare at my chemistry homework for a little while and just say i tried it.
